3 Signs Your Child’s Hair Is Damaged

Hair loss happens if the cuticular surface of the child’s hair is harmed. Harm can be caused by repeated cleaning and exfoliating of hair, overuse of unnecessary heat while blowing, applying inappropriate beauty treatments, detachment of hair clamps with the inappropriate equipment, overuse of hairpieces, etc. All these add up to damage hair permanently or temporarily. In this article, we are going to talk about indicators of damaged hair in toddlers.

Indicators of Damaged Hair in Toddlers

It has been assumed that some caregivers act quickly whenever they notice the signs your child’s hair is damaged. So, are there any other symptoms of frizz that mothers should look out for other than hair thinning and split ends? Well, there are many signs your child’s hair is damaged.

damaged hair in toddlers

The amount of split ends is one of the indicators of damaged hair in toddlers. Damaged hair is usually full of split ends leading least hair growth in children. Frequent trimming at reasonable intervals is the most effective remedy against this problem.

Another indicator to look for is the degree of hair breakage. Damaged hair tends to break more quickly and in abundance. Not only the comfortable but constant breaking of hair is one of the signs your child’s hair is damaged.

The next sign to look for is rough hair that is brittle and dry to feel. Damaged hair is very rough in texture and is dry due to a lack of moisture.

Hair that is easy to go while styling and manageable are the ones in good health and condition. Detangling dry and damaged hair is not easy and leads to more breakage.

If you pull your hair and it curls up without breaking, it means the hair is elastic. Healthy hair should be elastic and should not break while being stretched. Damaged hair Lacks Elasticity.

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